【Artist Interview】Ms. Sabina Ruzakhunova

Today we present an interview article with WULOP 2021 Kazakhstan Champion, Sabina Ruzakhunova. Stay tuned for Sabina’s story on becoming an active conference speaker and master and her dream to host a world competition someday!

本日はカザフスタンWULOP 2021チャンピオンのSabinaさんのインタビュー記事をお送りします。カンファレンスの登壇者やマスターとして活躍し、いつかは世界大会を開きたいSabinaさんのお話をお楽しみに!


Sabina Ruzakhunova

・Champion of Kazakhstan WULOP 2021👑
・2021 WULOP World Champion 👑 Lips
・Speaker, Judge, Organizer of the Best Master Classes

・2021年WULOP リップ部門 世界チャンピオン👑

Starting a career in PMU because of its potential

Next in PMU(以下、NP):What made you interested in Permanent Makeup and how did you begin your career in this industry? 

Sabina:There are many possibilities in the world of permanent makeup. Chatty, growth, communication with different people, from different countries. Now, I work with current masters. I give full-time master classes. I also organize master classes for world masters from other countries


What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

NP:What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

Sabina:Permanent makeup is my favorite thing, where I relax and enjoy, and bring the world benefit and beauty.


Host a World Championship!

NP:What are your future prospects for your career as a PMU artist?

Sabina:Organization of world championships and conferences. Creating the best course for beauty masters


NP:I believe that holding world championships and conferences will lead to interaction and growth among PMU artists, and will greatly contribute to the development of the industry. The gathering of diverse talents and ideas and the sharing of innovative technologies and trends should open up new possibilities. Looking forward to it!

Follow your dreams and let the world know you!

NP:Can you give a message to young artists and Japanese artists to further develop their role within the PMU industry?

Sabina:It is important to manifest and follow dreams and goals. And show up, let the whole world know about you.

Thank you so much for joining us today! We look forward to your continued success in the future! 