【Artist Interview】Ms. Mai Le

Today, we have a special interview with Mai Le, an active Eyebrow and Lip PMU artist from Arizona. Read more about Mai Le, who might be the future of PMU with her big ambition and hopes for the industry, and potentially making her way to bringing the next most significant revolution in the PMU industry!  
本日は、アメリカのアリゾナ州で眉とリップのアーティストとして活躍しているMai Leさんのインタビュー記事を公開します!もしかしたら今後PMU業界に大きな変革をもたらすかも…!?そんな大きな希望に満ちあふれたMai Leさんのインタビュー、ぜひご覧ください。


Mai Le

・Master Artist and Trainer rated Top 30 Best PMU Artist in Arizona 2017 & 2020. 
・Owner of MaiLash Brows Beauty Center.

・2017 & 2020 アリゾナ州ベスト30アートメイクアーティスト、マスターアーティスト/トレーナー

・MaiLash Brows Beauty Centerオーナー

Wanting to be involved in every aspect of enhancing the face

Next in PMU(以下、NP):What made you interested in Permanent Makeup and how did you begin your career in this industry? 

Mai:I started as a Lash Artist. The more I am in this industry, the more I yearn to be able to fully enhance a person’s face. This is when I fell in love with PMU. Such small detailed changes can totally enhance the face as a whole.


What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

NP:What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

Mai:It is the state of the art that you can adjust a person’s facial features to give an enhanced beauty.


Areas of Expertise

NP:What is your main focus of treatment?

Mai:My expertise is PMU Brows and Lips. Our clientele range from 20 – 70 years old. They demand absolute quality yet, very loyal. This has pushed me to be the best artist in Arizona.


Eyebrow Transplantation – A new revolution in the PMU industry

NP:What are your future prospects for your career as a PMU artist?

Mai:I want to be able to partner with surgeons and doctors in the USA to do eyebrow hair transplant for clients. There are things that if PMU can go hand in hand with, that will bring a total transformation.


NP:This is an exciting prospect! We look forward to what Eyebrow Transplantation will bring to the future! We would love to hear more about your story about what motivated you to pursue this field. 

Do things one step at a time and master your skills

NP:Can you give a message to young artists to further develop their role within the PMU industry?

Mai:Slow down, practice and perfecting your craft first. Your quality will speak for itself. When it comes to building clientele, don’t sacrifice quality over quantity at first. Always learning and taking classes!

ゆっくり、練習を重ね、最初は自分の技術を確実なものにしてください。あなたの資質がすべてを物語ります。 常に学び、授業を受けています!クライアントを増やしていくことでも、クライアントの施術をする時は、初めは量より質を忘れないでください!常に学び、講習を受けましょう。

Message to Japanese PMU Artists

NP:As a final note, please leave a message for PMU artists in Japan!

Mai:I am honored to be here. Japan is a great country that has gathered so much talents in every way. PMU in Japan is growing at a fast rate. If you want to be the best, you need to constantly expand your knowledge and skills by learning from various masters around the world.


Thank you so much for joining us today! We look forward to your continued success in the future! 