【Artist Interview】Ms. Tiffany Chen

Today we present an interview with Tiffany Chan, an artist from Canada, who is an expertise in the Nano Brows technique. 
She has more than 5,000 clients from all over the world and is also focusing on spreading Nano Brows education. 

本日は、カナダでナノブロウの技術者として活躍しているTiffany Chenさんのインタビュー記事をお送りします。Tiffanyさんは世界中から5,000人を超えるクライアントをもち、さらにナノブロウの教育にも力を入れています。


Tiffany Chen

  • Owner of Brow Beauté Inc. since 2016.
  • Speaker at AMPAC on Nano Brows in October 2022. 
  • Training students in PMU since 2017.
  • Brow Beauté has over 5000 clients from around the world.
  • Owns a Beauté Academy that has many online courses for you to learn from home. 

2016年より株式会社Brow Beauté代表取締役、2022年10月にはAMPACでのナノブロウの講師を務める。
また2017年からアートメイクの教育をスタートし、家から受けられるオンラインコースである「Beauté Academy」アカデミーを運営。
代表取締役を務めるBrow Beautéは世界中に5000人以上のクライアントをもつ。

Discovering Microblading

Next in PMU(以下、NP):What made you interested in Permanent Makeup and how did you begin your career in this industry? 

Tiffany:I was in corporate for over eight years, but I always had an artistic flair. I found out about Microblading in 2015 and got my eyebrows microbladed. After that, I was inspired to make this into my career because it is both artistic and entrepreneurial.


What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

NP:What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

Tiffany:PMU to me is the craft to enhance someone’s beauty and confidence. I love my job because it gives me great joy and purpose when I’m able to make a client happy through my work.


Areas of Expertise

NP:What is your main focus of treatment?

Tiffany:My expertise is Nano Brows and Ombre Brows. My clients vary in ethnicities since I am from Canada and we have various clientele with different skin types and backgrounds. I am very grateful to be able to work on various skin types and hair flows for different ethnicities.


NP:It is impressive to see that by allowing diversity in Permanent Makeup, you gain a broader perspective on approaching and interacting with clients and widen your knowledge on choosing the best solutions for specific cases. Because your experience in working with diverse ethnicities, career-wise, has helped you raise over 5,000 clients worldwide! 

Master your skills and create educational opportunities

NP:What are your future prospects for your career as a PMU artist?

Tiffany:I am focused on mastering my Nano Brows craft and creating educational opportunities for people to learn Nano Brows. At the same time, I still enjoy meeting new clients and old ones, and continuing to create beautiful eyebrows.


NP:As we learn more by applying our knowledge, mastering skills, and providing them to clients as an opportunity to learn is definately a helpful tip for artists wanting to improve in the PMU industry! 

Importance of building good relationships

NP:Can you give a message to young artists to further develop their role within the PMU industry?

Tiffany:The best advice I can give to a beginner artist is to never give up and surround yourself with people in your local area that do the same work. This will give you a good support system so that when you have good days and bad days you can lean on someone or relate to someone in this industry. So go make lots of friends in PMU!


Message to Japanese PMU Artists

NP:As a final note, please leave a message for PMU artists in Japan!

Tiffany:Hi Japanese PMU artists! I love your country and I love your food. Your country also has the cutest things. I hope you enjoy my Nano Brows technique and I hope you follow my Instagram so you can learn how to re-create this beautiful technique. Thank you so much for your support!


Thank you so much for joining us today! We look forward to your continued success in the future! 