【Artist Interview】Ms. Roula Karam

今日はレバノン出身のPMUアーティストであるRoula Karamさんを紹介します。メイクアップアーティストとして活動する中で、眉とリップに深い興味を抱きPMUの世界に飛び込みました。超リアルの仕上がりを常に意識しているRoulaさん。超リアルな仕上がりを目指すためにやっていることとは…?


Roula Karam

ポーランドのTIPMCC/2のPMU記事においてスピーカーとして登壇し、Permanent knowledge magazineにて受賞した経験をもつ。また、ドバイで最優秀PMUアーティストに贈られる賞を獲得し、ビューティーコングレス MEにてまつげのヘアーストロークとリップブラッシュの2つのカテゴリーで1位に輝いた。さらに、タイで開催されたWULOPでスピーカーとして登壇。










Roula:アートメイクは人々に自信を取り戻すことができるのです。 人の顔立ちを自然に変えていくという意味では、私たちの仕事は皮膚科医と同じくらい重要だと思います。





Next in PMU:確かに、お金の追求も大事かもしれませんが、自分の情熱に従うことが充実感や本当の成功に繋がりそうですね。テクニックに焦点を当ててしまうことが多いですが、幅広く芸術に触れる機会を見つけていきたいです。


English ver.

Today we present Roula Karam, a PMU artist from Lebanon. While working as a makeup artist, she jumped into the world of PMU with a deep interest in eyebrows and lips. Roula is always conscious of the hyper-realistic result. What does she do to achieve a hyper-realistic result?


Roula Karam

Speaker at Poland TIPMCC/2 PMU articles in Permanent knowledge magazine/ Award for best PMU artist in Dubai / 1st place for two categories Eyebrows hair strokes and Lip blush in Dubai at the Beauty congress ME. Speaker at WULOP thailand.

Why did you decide to pursue this career?

Roula:I was at the beginning a makeup artist,and I started to develop this interest for small details,so I started to focus on eyebrows drawing and lip drawing and after that I discovered that beautiful eyebrows and nice lips are keys to a gorgeous face so I decided to dive into PMU.

What is a moment in your Permanent Makeup journey that was most memorable to you?

Roula:I was at the beginning a makeup artist,and I started to develop this interest for small details,so I started to focus on eyebrows drawing and lip drawing and after that I discovered that beautiful eyebrows and nice lips are keys to a gorgeous face so I decided to dive into PMU.

Areas of Expertise

Roula:I focus on hyper realistic eyebrows technique, I call my technique “the no tattoo tattoo” because it simply doesn’t show where I placed the strokes or the shading. I’m also doing lip blush, areola reconstruction,eyeliner, eyeshadow and belly button( any 3d drawing in fact i’m good at)

What do you think is the most important aspect in Permanent Makeup? Why?

Roula:I think the most important aspect in PMU is combining artistry with science.

What Does Permanent Makeup Mean to You?

Roula:It’s being able to give people back their confidence. I think our work is as important as a dermatologist in a sense of changing people’s features naturally.

Future Prospects of your career as a PMU artist and the PMU industry

Roula:My most important dream is to influence other artists in creating and achieving natural results. I think that PMU over the years has improved tremendously in regards to achieving different results in the skin and that is very helpful in creating hyper realism.

Message to Beginner Artists & Japanese PMU Artists

Roula:Don’t do it for money. Do it for passion.
It’s very important to study art if you really want to succeed. Art will allow you to lead realism and your work will improve so much.

Next in PMU:Certainly, the pursuit of money may be important, but it seems to me that following my passion will lead to fulfillment and real success. We I often focus on technique, but I would like to find opportunities to experience the arts.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Roula! We look forward to your continuous success!