【Artist Interview】Mr. Apichat Siriveaw

今日はタイ出身のPMUマスターインストラクターであるApichat Siriveawさんを紹介します。毎日生徒さんを指導しながらも、自身の技術向上にも手を抜かないApichatさん。最後には若手のみなさまへ、優しい励ましのお言葉をいただいていますので、ぜひ最後までご覧ください。


Apichat Siriveaw

PMU Global Chainsのマスターインストラクターとして、100人以上の学生に知識や技術を伝達し、新たなキャリアパスを与え、PMUでの成功に導く第一人者。マシン1本針で作る繊細な毛並みと、シェーディングのハイブリッド技術であるコンボブロウを得意とし、日本でも講習を行った経験をもつ。




「アーム先生、PMUの知識をすべて教えてくれてありがとうございました。 あなたのおかげで、私はPMUのキャリアパスが成功し、今があります。」と。









Next in PMU:「最初の一歩が難しい」という言葉を聞いて、本当にApichatさんは生徒さんの気持ちを理解されていることが伝わりました。確かに、何事も最初の一歩を踏み出すには勇気も要りますよね。一歩踏み出して、練習を積み重ねていこうと思います!


English ver.

Today we present Apichat Siriveaw, a PMU Master Instructor from Thailand. While teaching students every day, he never stops improving his own technique. He also has some encouraging messages for beginners, so please read this article.


Apichat Siriveaw

As a master instructor at Biotouch, he is a leading expert in transferring knowledge and techniques to more than 100 students, giving them new career paths and leading them to success at PMU. He specializes in “combo brows”, a combo technique that is a hybrid of the delicate hair stroke created by a single machine needle and shading, and has taught training courses in Japan.

Why did you decide to pursue this career?

Apichat:Because of the love for arts and makeup, it made me feel very interested in PMU and made me decide to pursue this career. I must say it is the best decision I’ve ever made.

What is a moment in your Permanent Makeup journey that was most memorable to you?

Apichat:Being able to teach so many students in the past 10 years. But one student in particular came back to study more courses with me during the course she has had told me:
“Thank you Master Arm for giving me all your knowledge in PMU, because of you I had become successful in the PMU career path and have what I have right now.”

Areas of Expertise

Apichat:My expertise is in Feathery Hair Stroke Eyebrow and most of my clients would be my students since I teach every day.

What do you think is the most important aspect in Permanent Makeup? Why?

Apichat:Making clients regain their confidence. Making them feel beautiful with my work. When the clients are happy I am the happiest. Also as a student to make students understand the work in PMU and be able to do it.

Future Prospects of your career as a PMU artist and the PMU industry

Apichat:Practice more, learn newer techniques and follow the newest trend to be able to convey even more knowledge to students.

Message to Beginner Artists & Japanese PMU Artists

Apichat:Practice every day and it will only get easier. Never forget to follow new PMU trends and always be up to date, that way your career in PMU will never end. 
Never give up and practice as much as possible. The first step is always the hardest but it will only become easier. The more you practice the better you will become and that will lead you to become great in what you do.

Next in PMU:When you said “the first step is hardest”, I understood that you really understands the feelings of your students.
Actually, it needs a lot of courage to take the first step in anything. I will take the first step and keep practicing!

Thank you so much for joining us today, Apichat! We look forward to your continuous success!