【Artist Interview】Ms. Shay Danielle

本日は客室乗務員からPMUアーティストにキャリアチェンジし、Shay Danielle AcademyとShay Danielle Artist Collectionを立ち上げたShay Danielleさんのインタビュー記事をお送りします。PMU業界でもアーティスト・若手思いのShayさんのインタビュー記事、ぜひご覧ください。


Shay Danielle

 Shay Danielle Academy と Shay Danielle Artist Collection の設立者。



Next in PMU(以下、NP):アートメイクに興味を持った理由やアートメイクでのキャリアを始めたきっかけは何ですか?


1年も経たないうちに口コミで評判が広がり、いよいよ覚悟を決めるときが来ました。私は自分が幸せになれる道を選び、アルバータ州カルガリーでShay Danielle PMUというブランドを立ち上げ、Shay Danielle Academy Onlineを設立しました。その選択は、毎朝私を興奮で目覚めさせることになりました。怖かったと聞かれるなら、もちろん怖かったです!安定した収入を得られる仕事を辞めるのは、控えめに言っても神経を使うことですし、一からビジネスを立ち上げるのも同様に怖いことです。私は正しい選択をしていると感じていましたが、この決断が私の人生に大きな影響を与えるとは思ってもいませんでした。

この業界に身を置いて10年、私は今でも日々新しいことを学んでいます。1日だけのプログラムでは、業界で直面する壁に誰も備えることができないことを経験から知っています。2017年、私はShay Danielle Academyを立ち上げ、新人アーティストにとってより役立つようなものとなるよう、トレーニングの基準を高めることに全力を注いでいます。この業界は、想像を絶する場所に私を連れて行ってくれました。自分の世界が好きな分野で、月曜日が嫌いでなければ、限界はないと思います。コスメティックタトゥーは、私の本命のひとつです。






Shay:私が得意とする分野は、1. 研修・教育、2. ナノストローク、3. 乳輪タトゥーです。













English ver.

Today, we give you an interview with Shay Danielle, who made a career change from a flight attendant to a PMU artist. Please take a look at our interview with Shay, a young artist, who launched the Shay Danielle Academy and the Shay Danielle Artist Collection. 


Shay Danielle

The Founder of Shay Danielle Academy and Shay Danielle Artist Collection.
The vision is to provide affordable and accessible learning materials for new artists, and to design ‘products that artists really need’, not just what they want.
In addition, she has established a community where anyone can participate with peace of mind during the learning journey.
She is excited to continue to create more teaching materials and products.

A career change and determination

Next in PMU(以下、NP):What made you interested in Permanent Makeup and how did you begin your career in this industry? 

Shay:For as long as I can remember, I have been intrigued by everything beautiful. I didn’t get into it until I was four years old and thought it was a great idea to use my mom’s clear nail polish on my best friend’s eyebrows to make them “shinier,” but since then, I’ve come a long way!

I have always had a passion for art, and my canvas of choice just happened to be people and faces. Prior to entering the aesthetics industry, I worked as a flight attendant, travelling the world and meeting many inspiring people. Though it had its perks, something was still missing, so that’s when I took the leap to do something for myself. I decided to spend my days off training to become a licensed aesthetician with the simple goal of treating my family and friends to an aesthetic service from time to time and perhaps getting a referral or two out of the deal.

Within a year, word of mouth alone had overwhelmed me, and it was time to make a choice to commit. I chose to follow the path that would make me happy and establish the brand Shay Danielle PMU in Calgary, Alberta, and Shay Danielle Academy, online. That choice would wake me up with excitement every morning. Was I scared? Absolutely! Leaving a job that provides you with a steady income is nerve-wracking, to say the least, and building a business from the ground up is equally intimidating. But, I felt like I was making the right choice, and I did not realize the enormous impact this decision would have on my life.

After 10 years in the industry, I am still learning new things on a daily basis. I know from experience that a 1-day program does not prepare anyone for the obstacles they will face in the industry. In 2017, I launched Shay Danielle Academy and put my heart and soul into raising the standards of training so that it is more robust for new artists. This industry has taken me to places that I thought were unimaginable. The sky’s the limit when your world is in a field that you love and you never hate Mondays. Cosmetic tattooing is certainly one of my true loves.

What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

NP:What does Permanent Makeup mean to you?

Shay:PMU to me is more than an art form. It is something that can truly transform so many different peoples’ lives in multiple ways. For artists, this industry allows us to connect with others, showcase our art and gives us a lot of freedom and flexibility. This industry allows us a space to change peoples lives and I couldn’t be more grateful to be a part of that. 

Areas of Expertise

NP:What is your main focus of treatment?

Shay:My area of expertise includes
1. Training and Education
2. Nano Strokes
3. Areola Tattoos

Expanding an online learning platform and product line

NP:What are the future prospects for your career as a PMU artist?

Shay:Things to look forward to in the future is some incredible hands on training opportunities for students in our brand new studio! I’m talking every single technique you can imagine. Not only that, but we are continuing to expand our online learning platform and product line so that we can bring the best of the best to artists all around the world!

Alongside that, I want to continue my passion of expanding my own skills and continuing to work on my clients. It is truly my passion and I never want to step away from my roots.

NP:We’re especially looking forward to the online learning platform. We’re very happy to have more opportunities to learn the techniques of overseas artists in real time from Japan, and it will also lead to the improvement of the industry.

Rome wasn't built in a day

NP:Can you give a message to young artists to further develop their role within the PMU industry?

Shay:Find something that you love. Don’t jump into industries just because they seem like quick money or are lucrative. Be patient. Nothing is going to happen overnight, and great things come with time.

Message to Japanese PMU Artists

NP:As a final note, please leave a message for PMU artists in Japan!

Shay:Celebrate your small wins along the way. Business is a long and slow journey, but those little moments should never go unnoticed.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Shay! We look forward to your continued success!