【Artist Interview】Ms. Sherri Tse

今日はアメリカでPMUアーティストとして活躍しているSherri Tseさんを紹介します。
眉、唇、アイライナーを専門とし、現在はSherri Studiosにてトレーニングを開講しています。インタビューではクライアントに対して誠実な姿を伺うことができました。彼女が大事にしている誠実さとは一体何か、最後までぜひご覧ください。


Sherri Tse

PMUアーティストであると同時にSherri Studiosのオーナーを務める。眉、唇、アイライナーを得意とし、自然な仕上がりを実現。美容業界で10年以上の経験をもち、誰かをゴージャスな気分にさせ、美しく見せることに喜びを感じている。また、トレーナーとして知識と経験を他の人たちと共有することに情熱を注いでいる。








Sherri:一つ重要なことは、クライアントに現実的な結果を示してから施術を行うことです。クライアントに対して、正直に何が可能かを伝えましょう。そうすることで、彼らの目標を達成するお手伝いになります。たとえば、90年代に眉毛を過度に抜いてしまっていて、ほとんど毛が残っていない状態であっても、Kim Kardashainのような眉を約束することは避けましょう。

Next in PMU:この言葉を聞いて、本当にSherriさんがクライアントに対して誠実であることがわかりました。過度な期待を持たせるのではなく、現実的にできることを伝えることは双方にとってとても大事だと思います。








English ver.

Today we present Sherri Tse, a PMU artist in the United States.
She specializes in eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner and currently offers training at Sherri Studios. During our interview, we were able to hear how sincere she is with her clients. Please read on to find out what she means by honesty.


Sherri Tse

She is a PMU artist and owner of Sherri Studios. She specializes in eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner for a natural look. With over 10 years of experience in the beauty industry, she delights in making someone feel gorgeous and look beautiful. She is also passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience with others as a trainer.

Why did you decide to pursue this career?

Sherri:I’ve always been interested in beauty and always wanted to start my own business. It wasn’t until I left my full time corporate job and hit a low point in my life when I discovered Microblading that started my PMU career.

What is a moment in your Permanent Makeup journey that was most memorable to you?

Sherri:I’ve met a few local and well known celebrities that I’m really proud of.

Areas of Expertise

Sherri:I specialize in brows, lips, and eyeliner. I focus on creating the most natural looking result for my clients. I have clients of all races and ethnicities but Asians are my number one clientele.

What do you think is the most important aspect in Permanent Makeup? Why?

Sherri:There are many important aspects of permanent makeup but one in particular is being able to set real expectations for your clients. Be honest with your clients about what you can help them achieve. Don’t promise them you can give them Kim Kardashain brows when they have over plucked 90’s brows and barely any hair there.

Next in PMU:Your words really showed that you are sincere to your clients. I think it is very important for both of us to tell them what we can realistically do for them, instead of giving them excessive expectations.

What Does Permanent Makeup Mean to You?

Sherri:What PMU means to me, in a few short words:
Saving time
Building Confidence
Enhancing natural beauty

Future Prospects of your career as a PMU artist and the PMU industry

Sherri:Some future prospects of my PMU career are currently in the works. My team and I are working on organizing a PMU event and inviting some talented artists from all around the world.

Message to Beginner Artists & Japanese PMU Artists

Sherri:Practice practice practice, find an artist(s) that you admire , see what they’re doing and let that motivate you to do great things. Offer free services to build your portfolio because that’s more valuable than anything as a new artist.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Hong! We look forward to your continuous success!